Great news about FieldVibe!

Welcome to our first blog post and thank you for following our story so far! We come to you with 3 big announcements!


1. FieldVibe is available for Pre-Orders

2. We are launching our new website

3. We privately released the first version of FieldVibe for those who registered for it


FieldVibe is available for Pre-Orders


As of today, both FieldVibe for Android and FieldVibe for iOS apps are officially available for Pre-Order and  Pre-Registration on both App Store and Google Play.


After almost one year of hard work and determination, we are proud to announce the day for the official launch of FieldVibe, the job scheduling app for home service businesses!

FieldVibe will be officially available to download by 1st of July, 2019!


We just want to remind you that FieldVibe is free to use for you and your first team you add to your company account. This means that you have free access to all of our features, including Timeline, Schedule, Teams, Jobs, Notifications, CRM and Reports.

What is Pre-Order and Pre-Registration?

With Pre-Order (iOS) and Pre-Registration (Android), you register to receive the app as soon as it is available for download. In our case, that date is the 1st of July. After you tap on  Pre-Order (iOS) or Pre-Register (Android) all you have to do is to wait until July 1st when the app will download itself from the App Store or Google Play. We also encourage you to share the link to your friends or business partners that might be looking for a simple to use job scheduling app.

Why Pre-Order?

If you are reading this, chances are that you are interested in a management solution for your home service business. At FieldVibe we are developing an app that is both powerful and easy to use. To make sure you get immediate access to FieldVibe, as soon as it is available, go now to App Store or Google Play and Pre-Order/Pre-Register. The app will download itself on July 1st.

Keep in mind that the first account you create after downloading the app is a Business owner account with admin permissions, from where you will be able to add and invite your staff members.

FieldVibe is free for your Business owner account with certain limitations. Yes, free, forever!


We are launching our new website!


At FieldVibe we serve the majority of the home service community, from HVAC techs, plumbers, electricians, to cleaning, pest control, lawn care, garage door installation companies and more!

We want our tool to be available for you at any time and this is why we designed and launched our new website, to help you understand the benefits and the potential that FieldVibe presents for the growth of your business.

You can easily access our product Tour, where you can see all the features of FieldVibe and how they can benefit you and your business. Also, you get to know us better

Do you like our website and think that our solution is suitable for somebody you know? Take a minute and share the link with them:


We privately released the first version of FieldVibe


We promised to all our initial followers who completed our survey or registered on our website that they will be the first to use our solution and this is why we privately released the first version to them and, at the same time, made it available for Pre-Order.  

Because this is a private rollout, we sent a link to each of our early users, from where they could download and start using the app. If you really want to get a taste of our app, you can write to us at [email protected]. We might still have a few available spots.

At FieldVibe we help field service businesses like yours efficiently schedule and dispatch field teams, increasing company productivity, and customer satisfaction. We do it by offering you an easy scheduling and dispatching system, integrated CRM, GPS tracking, jobs center, teams center, automated SMS reminders, and Reports. But FieldVibe is not just a list of features bundled into a software solution. Our purpose is to serve you and your needs. We want to be a trusted partner for you and your business. This is why:

Our commitment is for your Growth

We build robust field service management software that can sustain your growth. Not only that, but we want to give it to you for free, for you and your first team lead, so you can focus more on growing your service business!

Our commitment is for your Productivity

Having time for you, your crew and your customers is not just a nice dream anymore! We cut on those time consuming little things that stop you from actually taking care of your business. Having the ability to add more jobs in a day and serve more clients looks like productivity to us, so this is what we’re after!

Our commitment is for keeping it simple

We want to make your life easier. This is why we keep it all as simple and intuitive as it gets. Our Field Service Management software is designed to be used by anybody, regardless of their technical background.

Interested? Check the links below!

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