Thank you for your feature requests! Here’s the new version of FieldVibe, with new features ready to better help field service professionals.
FieldVibe is here to help small field service companies and professionals, where the manager is working on the field, answering phone calls, while managing a couple of colleagues.
We passed all the feature requests through the filter of “helping field service professionals” before deciding on what to do next, and here’s what’s new:
- Staff users can edit their own schedule
- Track how much time you spent on the road to and at a job
- Synchronize everything with Google Calendar
- Access to your jobs without internet connection
- Mark jobs as completed
Staff users can add jobs
In an ideal world, it would be enough to only give the manager the ability to manage the schedule of each employee. But we live in the real world, and some jobs might take more than predicted, some clients can be late, or (in a better case) when a neighbour of your client has a quick job.
This feature will give staff members the ability to add and edit their own jobs, without asking the manager.
At this time this feature will only give access to their own schedule, without seeing the schedules of other staff members from the company.
Track the time spent on jobs
Knowing how long each job (or each type of job) takes, is the starting point to improve your quoting for that type of job. Without knowing how much things took in the past, makes it hard to predict the future.
Until now you could have tracked the time worked in general, but with the new version you can track the time spent “on the road to” and “working on” each job.
If you choose to track time, the app will ask you what you want to track: time spent on the road to the job, or directly the time working on the job. The time logs can be seen in two places:
- in the details of a job, under the Timelogs entry;
- in the Reports, grouped in these three categories: Worked time, On the road time and Dead time
Google Calendar integration
Just on Android, there are more than one billion downloads of Google Calendar. You might say that it comes by default installed, but that is partially true (there are more OEMs that come without the Calendar app). There are millions of people that are dependent on Google Calendar, they schedule every tiny little thing they do in the calendar.
Great news, you can now synchronize the FieldVibe jobs with Google Calendar, which is done both ways:
- For each job and booking in FieldVibe, we are creating a Google calendar event with the details of the job
- Your Google Calendar events will be displayed in FieldVibe, with a different color. (FieldVibe doesn’t store these events)
Viewing jobs in Offline mode
Working in the field might take you places without internet coverage, but when you still need to see the schedule and job requirements.
This is why FieldVibe saves the jobs you had last time when being online, so that you could see the details even when the internet is not available.
Mark job as Completed
Separate the Completed jobs from the Ongoing ones. See when your colleagues mark a job as Completed.