You spoke. We listened!
This month we released the 1.5 version of FieldVibe, bringing you the best version of the best scheduling app tailored to field service professionals.
Even though most of us worked from home in this period, we made sure that we kept our promises and didn’t defer from our roadmap. The result is FieldVibe 1.5, the best version so far of our favorite app!
We think it’s worth mentioning that in this release we included changes that we received as requests and suggestions from you, our beloved users.
These are in short the main updates that come with FieldVibe 1.5:
- We added the possibility to edit the clock out time
- The weekly view is now the default calendar view
- You can now add payments right after you marked the job as Completed
- Small bug fixes
We added the possibility to edit the clock out time
This was a heavily requested feature, especially from our users that bill hourly. After receiving your suggestions we moved this feature on top of all the others and made it a priority. So here it is: whenever you need it, you can now edit the clocked out time.
Please keep in mind that you can edit the logged time only at an earlier time.
By doing so you make sure that your staff can correct time logged on a specific job (sometimes it just happens to forget to clock out, especially if it’s the last job for the day), at the same time protecting you from billing and paying for unworked time.
The weekly view is now the default calendar view
This was also a request from many of our users. We conformed and now, whenever you open FieldVibe, instead of seeing only the jobs scheduled for today, you will see the schedule for the whole week, making it easier for you to navigate to the part of the schedule that you want to work at.
You can now add payments right after you marked the job as Completed
To make it all much easier, we updated the general flow of the app and added the possibility to add received payments right after you marked a job completed.
This way you ensure you have a better view of your business, tracking not only the time spent on jobs, but also the revenue.
Small bug fixes
Of course, like with any other app update that we came with, we made sure that we fixed all the little bugs we found in the meantime! ?
Have a suggestion or found an annoying bug? Write to us at [email protected] or directly from FieldVibe app by going to More > About > Send us feedback
Don’t use FieldVibe yet? Get the app and create your free account by clicking on one of the links below.