FieldVibe 1.0 is here!

Free field service management solution

Are you tired of juggling multiple schedules and trying to keep track of your upcoming jobs? Look no further! Introducing the new mobile app that makes scheduling your jobs a breeze. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, you’ll never miss a beat again. Say goodbye to the stress of coordinating multiple schedules, and hello to a streamlined and organized work experience. Whether you’re a small business owner, freelancer, or just looking to keep your personal appointments in order, this app has you covered. Download now and experience the convenience of having all of your scheduling needs in one easy-to-use app.


We are thrilled to announce that today is THE day!

As of today, both Android and iOS app are officially released (you can find them here Android, and iOS)

After almost one year of hard work and determination, we are proud to announce the official launch of FieldVibe, the app for job scheduling!

The apps are available for Android and iOS devices (both phones and tablets) and can be downloaded and used right now! Keep in mind that the first account you create after downloading the app is the Business owner account with admin permissions, from where you will be able to invite your staff members. FieldVibe is free for the Business owner account, with certain limitations! 


At FieldVibe we help home service businesses like yours efficiently schedule jobs, increasing company productivity and customer satisfaction.


We do it by offering you easy scheduling, integrated CRM, jobs center, teams center, automated text message reminders, and reports. But FieldVibe is not just a list of features bundled into an app. Our purpose is to serve you and your needs. We want to be a trusted partner for you and your business. This is why:

Our commitment is for your Growth

We’ve built a simple mobile app that can sustain your growth. Not only that, but we want to give it to you for free, so you can focus more on growing your service business!

Our commitment is for your Productivity

Having time for you, your crew and your customers is not just a nice dream anymore! We cut on those time consuming little things that stop you from actually taking care of your business. Having the ability to add more jobs in a day and serve more clients looks like productivity to us, so this is what we’re after! 

Our commitment is for keeping it simple

We want to make your life easier. This is why we keep it all as simple and intuitive as it gets. Our Field Service Management app is designed to be used by anybody, regardless of their technical background.


The team behind FieldVibe

We showed you what our job scheduling app has to offer. Let’s talk a little bit about who we are and why we are a trusted partner for you.

We are a team of experienced software engineers, designers, product managers and marketers with over 50 years of combined knowledge and expertise. At our parent company, Mobiversal (named one of the top mobile developers in Europe, by, we developed tens of mobile apps in the last 8 years and other great software, in our 16 years of existence. 


Our story

After successfully launching and developing our first big personal project, Appointfix – the modern appointment book, last year (2018), we embarked on a new mission: to develop a simpler and better mobile solution for the Field Service market. We started to receive new feature requests from our Appointfix users who were working in the HVAC, Lawn care, Cleaning, Plumbing, and other home service companies. They were not only looking for a better way to schedule their jobs, but also wanted to have the ability to see them on a map and assign them to their team leads. We decided to build upon our expertise at Appointfix and deliver a better experience for all field service professionals out there. This is how FieldVibe was born.

We’re not stopping here. Launching FieldVibe 1.0 on Android and iOS devices was just the first step of many we have been planning and which we hope to plan together. We want to develop FieldVibe to better suit your needs and help you achieve your business and personal objectives.

Some of the features we are already thinking of (and maybe even working on some ) include, but are not limited to, accounting software integration, new roles and a web app that can be used from any tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

Join us in our journey! 





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